Creative Director : Ant Farac Director : Ant Farac DOP: Warwick Wrigley Graphic Design: 6 Twenty Editor: Ant Farac Sound: James Henderson TV3 The XFACTOR NZ campaign was shot across two days in a unique warehouse location chosen for its dramatic ambiance. To contrast with the dark aesthetic, a gold version of the iconic series logo was produced to differentiate the NZ series and communicate the quality and scale of the show. Intricate post production effects such as gold dust floating behind the talent raised elevated the finished product to film-like status. The gold dust travelled through the scenes on the journey with the X-Facor judges ultimately revealing a Gold X behind them. As the campaign was released on air and online, comments flooded in; “Am I the only one shedding tears watching this?” “Oh it gave me goosebumps!” “Can’t wait! This is going to be so cool, good job The X Factor Team!” suggesting that the New Zealand viewing public were ready and waiting for the biggest show of the year